Paula Molina, socia del Club, se une a la campaña #ThisLittleGirlisMe
Nuestra querida socia del Club de Ejecutivas Españolas, Paula Molina, decidió unirse a la campaña: #ThisLittleGirlIsMe y ha publicado un texto que nos ha emocionado a muchas de nosotras y que estamos seguras será de gran ayuda para todas las “Little Girl” que estén buscando inspiración.
This Little girl is Me, 3yrs old, Smiling as usual.
📢 This little girl was born in Madrid, in 1974. Currently working for Global Clients Coverage at BBVA, she was one of the first Women becoming Managing Director in Rest of Europe (out of Spain), in France, at BBVA Corporate & Investment Banking 10 ys ago. She couldn`t have done her current job (abroad) when she was a little girl, without a “Man`s” Permission: in 1974, Spanish Women needed a permission from their husbands (or fathers), a Man, to engage in any economic activity, including holding a job, owning property or travelling outside the country. It was when she was 4 yrs. old, in 1978, that the Spanish Constitution established the equality of men and women before the law.
📣 This little girl grew up in the suburbs of Madrid, surrounded by an loving and amazing family, full of love and confidence with the complicity always of her younger sister Ana. Her familly fuels her with "Super Powers"
😍 This little girl`s friends` are still her old classmates from Elementary School, High School, University and Master Studies in different cities and countries: Madrid, Bilbao, Bournemouth (UK), Seattle (USA), Perugia (Italy) and France (Paris).
⛑ This little girl from Madrid, started working for BBVA in Bilbao in 2000. Expatriated to Paris for only 3 years, BBVA with her job that passionated her, her great French clients, her familly, her friends, colleagues and life…, just made her smile every day in Paris for the last 21 years. Maybe one day this little girl will come back to Spain...
What would I advice to my younger me?
🧡 Study and try to do your best always
🧡 Learn as many languages as you can. Travel abroad. It will teach you tolerance, inclusion and adaptation
🧡 Smile even through things do not come out as you planned.
🧡 Be always positive (“siempre positivos, nunca negativos”)
🧡 Don`t worry if you are not liked by everyone
🧡 Don`t let others take away your smile. You are responsible of your own happiness
🧡 Success can take different forms: find your type
🧡 Try to vision and project yourself in the future as you dream, and the dream will come truth
🧡 Get away from “toxic persons” that absorb your energy (or happiness)
🧡 Sport is important: “Mens Sana in Corpore Sano”.
🧡 As my Mom taught me: Maintain family bows (key to have “the super powers”) and cherish your “good friends” (again a push for getting more “super powers” for life and success)
🧡 And the last from my lovely father: “Cada problema tiene mil soluciones. Encuentra la tuya."
Why am I sharing all this?
Because I learned that approx. 90% of girls feel more confident about their futures after hearing from female role models, I encourage all Women in my network to participate in this campaign. We can all help and be role models to younger little girls.